Strategic Plan
This education experience is rooted in our mission statement, which “embraces, empowers, and inspires young women to live in faith, truth, and service.”
As the mission of Sacred Heart continues to evolve, we look to a future in which the vision of the Dominican Sisters, our Catholic identity, and the college preparatory curriculum of the school continues to provide a vision where we embark upon a calling to offer our students the resources needed-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to shatter obstacles that create barriers to equality in society, education and the workplace. The Consultative Board has brought together a strategic planning committee to begin the planning process and take us into the future.
The core values of Sacred Heart High School, embracing faith, empowering truth seekers, and inspiring service, serve as the foundations for the school’s past and as the cornerstones of the future. At the core of our strategic plan is aligning organizational capacity with apostolic needs. The strategic planning committee is working to identify the areas of highest priority to ensure Sacred Heart’s future as an educational opportunity leader for young women in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Consultative Board